Under Construction

Friday, September 13, 2019 2:45 AM

Hey there and welcome to Housing First Umpqua’s website!

Over this year we’ve been working hard to create a space online. Here you can access valuable information about our non profit, as well as the cause of bringing affordable housing, using the housing first approach, and homelessness awareness to the people of Oregon. It’s not a secret that many in Oregon are low income residents. It’s also been in the news recently that nationally there is an affordable housing shortage. These two things have contributed to the numbers of our community members that are homeless, or in jeopardy of becoming so, going up. There is no doubt that homelessness is on the rise, whether it’s someone sleeping in their car, on couches, in spare rooms, in shelters or sleeping on the street. The state and local government's are doing a number of things to combat the problem such as rent control, zoning changes, construction excise taxes, multi-unit property tax exceptions and more. However, there is still a lack of coordination amongst services and the mentally ill, incomless, disabled and elderly are increasingly falling through the cracks. Housing First Umpqua seeks to be a positive change in the fight to end homelessness and get everyone, regardless of their persomal situation, a safe and stable place to live.

As you come back to visit our site you’ll notice frequent updates and we hope to completely finish it in the coming weeks. If you wish to pitch in and donate or volunteer your skills, time, and money, it would be going toward a worthy cause that will help out your community. Together we can make positive changes in people’s lives.

Thank you,

Housing First Umpqua